Yihang Intelligent delivers 5 EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft to Nan'an Transportation Group

On August 14th, the first flight of unmanned manned aerial vehicles and the groundbreaking ceremony of the urban air traffic operation center project in Nan'an City was held in Zhengchenggong Cultural Tourism Zone, Shijing Town, Nan'an City, Fujian Province. Wang Lianzan, Mayor of Nan'an Municipal People's Government, Cai Qiyu, Chairman of Quanzhou Social Science Federation and Head of Comprehensive Coordination Group of Quanzhou Nanyi National High tech Zone Construction Command, Li Cheng, Deputy Director of Quanzhou Development and Reform Commission, Chen Qian, Standing Committee Member and Deputy Mayor of Nan'an Municipal Party Committee, Lin Yanbin, Member of Party Group of Nan'an Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee and Director of Nan'an Branch Office of Quanzhou Semiconductor High tech Zone Management Committee, Yi Huiquan, Deputy Mayor of Nan'an Municipal People's Government, Mr. Huang Zhengui, Member of Party Group of Nan'an Municipal People's Government, Mr. Liao Xuwei, Secretary of Party Committee of Shijing Town, Du Jinen, President of Fujian Aviation Sports Association, Xu Jingxiu, Vice President of Shenzhen UAV Association, He Tianxing, Vice President of Yihang Intelligent, and other leading guests and media reporters attended the event to witness the high-quality development of Nan'an's low altitude Important milestone events.

Yihang Intelligent delivers 5 EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft to Nan'an Transportation Group

At the event, Yihang Intelligent delivered 5 EH216-S unmanned manned aerial vehicles to Nan'an Transportation Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nan'an Transportation Group"), a subsidiary of Nan'an Energy Industry and Trade Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. Several guests, including Chen Qian, member of the Standing Committee of the Nan'an Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, boarded the EH216-S and completed the first manned flight of Nan'an at the landmark scenic spot of Zheng Chenggong Temple in Shijing.

EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft "Success" officially set sail in Nan'an City

As a participant of the first flight in Nan'an, Chen Qian, member of the Standing Committee of Nan'an Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, shared her riding experience with the media reporters. She said, "The EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft takes off, lands, and flies very smoothly, providing greater comfort compared to traditional aircraft. In the air, you can feel the poetic and picturesque atmosphere of Nan'an, as well as explore the distant horizon at low altitude. This advanced air traffic not only brings convenience to people's lives, but also injects new vitality into the development of new quality productivity in Nan'an city

In July of this year, Nan'an Transportation Group purchased 5 EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft from Yihang Intelligent, planned for use in low altitude sightseeing, urban transportation, urban emergency and other scenarios. With the support of various levels of government and partners in Nan'an City, the EH216-S unmanned manned aerial vehicle will gradually operate in areas such as Zhengchenggong Temple and Xingu Wetland Park, focusing on cultural tourism and sightseeing, to help Nan'an City build a model for the development of low altitude economy in the county.

EH216-S unmanned aerial vehicle makes its maiden manned flight in Nan'an City

At the event, Nan'an Low altitude Economy Industry Development Service Co., Ltd. was officially unveiled, and multiple low altitude economy related projects were signed on site. The Nan'an Urban Air Traffic Operation Center project, located in Xingu Wetland Park, Shijing Area, Nanyi National High tech Zone, Quanzhou, also officially started construction, conveying Nan'an's determination and courage to build a low altitude economy ecosystem. The theme of this event, 'Low altitude has arrived, successfully set sail', is not just a slogan, but also a practical action taken by Nan'an City to seize new opportunities in the low altitude economy, accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, and cultivate new advantages and new driving forces for development.

The urban air traffic operation center project in Nan'an City has officially started construction

In his speech, Wang Lianzan, the mayor of Nan'an Municipal People's Government, said, "The low altitude economy injects new impetus into the economic growth of Nan'an. Nan'an City will fully leverage its unique advantages, and make efforts in industrial upgrading, policy guidance and empowerment, pilot demonstration and innovation, scene application expansion, space resource activation, infrastructure support, ecological environment construction, and other aspects to open up the vast space for the development of low altitude economy faster and better. We will continue to increase investment and support in the low altitude field, continuously improve relevant policies and regulations, and create a better environment for the development of low altitude economy

Nan'an City is actively responding to the national science and technology development strategy, daring to explore, daring to innovate, actively laying out, and taking the lead in introducing the Yihang unmanned manned aerial vehicle, which will lay a solid foundation for the diversified development of future urban transportation. Mayor Wang Lianzan pointed out that the development and utilization of low altitude areas is the forefront direction of current technological development and an important direction for the future development of urban air transportation. The maiden flight ceremony of the EH216-S unmanned manned aerial vehicle marks a solid step for Nan'an City in the field of low altitude economy

He Tianxing, Vice President of Yihang Intelligent, said: "Nan'an is located on the southeast coast of Fujian, with a superior geographical location, beautiful ecological environment, and profound historical heritage. It is one of the starting points of the ancient 'Maritime Silk Road', a national ecological city, a model city for livable and business friendly cities in China, and the most beautiful tourist destination city in China. It has rich cultural and tourism resources. We are very pleased to promote and layout the application scenarios of EH216-S unmanned manned aerial vehicle in the hometown of national hero Zheng Chenggong, and jointly explore a new model for the development of low altitude economy in Chinese counties

At present, the low altitude economy has been included in the emerging and future industries that Nan'an City is focusing on layout, becoming an important part of Nan'an's development of new quality productivity and the construction of a new development pattern, "He Tianxing emphasized." Yihang Intelligence is actively promoting the construction of low altitude economy application scenarios and sample cities worldwide. We will work together with partners to explore more scenarios for unmanned manned aircraft in Nan'an, empower Nan'an's cultural tourism and transportation industries, and help Nan'an City seize the high ground of national low altitude economy development